Your fitness life does not have to be boring. Make your workout exciting to look forward to.


When you think about your health and fitness routine, “fun and exciting” should be the first on your mind. There are fun ways to exercise for physical fitness without making your way through the gym door. Be daring and try a spontaneous workout routine for yourself while you achieve pure fitness.

You can fulfill your workout goals in a number of ways by creating a splendid fitness journey when you think out of the ordinary. It is often the case that most start their fitness routines with eagerness but fail to continue due to the lack of spontaneity.

What are the fun ways to consider to make your fitness a thing to look out for? The following, make physical fitness a party rather than a funeral:

1. Go running out with a friend

This is probably the best fun workout to enjoy without feeling like you are on a mission. You have a chance to chat in between your running breaks while you achieving your physical fitness routines. The great part of running outside is that you breathe in the fresh air away from the indoors gym environment.

fitness, physical fitness
Two men running through the snow track. Image from UnSplash

2. Use pre-recorded exercise videos

Frankly, exercising through workout videos creates a feeling that you are not exercising alone. The atmosphere created in these videos is of a gym class-setting paired with fun, in that there is normally no equipment used. It is only through sweat when you realise that your body has been working out. Now, this is pure fitness.

Health and fitness, routine
Pre-recorded videos can take your exercise anywhere. Image from unSplash

3. Create exercise and play sessions with kids

Kids are normally active and if you often worry about leaving them behind for gym, perhaps it’s time to start include them in your health and fitness routine if you are fortunate to live with them.

While they do light exercises, you may do adult heavier ones. Smaller babies are even fun to carry on the back while you do workouts such as squats.

workout, exercise
A man exercising with a kid. Image from unSplash

4. Have a versatile workout routine

Or just do not have one at all. One of the reasons gyms are boring to many is because the routine around it is predictable particularly if you have been doing it for a while.

Have your days in the week mapped out in such a way that it does not feel like a routine, for example, you may go for a run with a friend on a Monday, have a play session with kids on a Tuesday, exercise with recorded videos on a Wednesday, use a workout app instead on a Thursday.

You may go for a run at a place you have not been to before, do yoga next to the river, run with your dog and whatever you do, make it something you would go back to any day!

gym, pure fitness
A spontaneous workout. Image from unSplash

There are many more fun ways to workout without going to the gym. Whatever you opt for just make sure, it does not feel like a job!

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