We love Dr. Mercola

We love Dr. Mercola and we support him

“We love Dr. Mercola and we support him. When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” ― George R.R. Marti

He has provided an immense quantity of helpful information in his quest to help people get healthy. We should ask the same questions you brought up to pharmaceutical Co… what are their qualifications? Do they have an agenda? Oh, do pharmaceutical Companies need sick unhealthy people to stay in business? The people pulling the strings want us to be sick, apathetic, and shorter luge spends. I’m grateful for Dr. Mercola and others like him!

Crowds of people opposed to COVID-19 vaccinations clogged the streets in Vancouver and outside hospitals across the province on Wednesday afternoon, earning the indignation of some political leaders. Thousands of demonstrators, brought together by calls to “reject the tyranny of mandatory vaccines,” gathered outside hospitals in Vancouver, Kelowna, Kamloops, Victoria, Prince George, Nanaimo, and across the country.

*I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m utterly amazed as to how this was reported. Good job CBC for doing real journalism and not vilifying these protesters.

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